Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Friday was a great day for the boys and myself. We woke up and had pancakes then we went to Amy's to retrieve Jack's pirate hat which he forgot the day before. Then we got back and Jayden and Noah came over for a few hours while Melissa did some birthday shopping for Jayden. After they left the boys took a fantastic nap and Steve got home early to help the boys get ready for Trick-or-Treating. As we left the house we ran into the Friedman's and for the third year Jack and Will got to enjoy the holiday together. Possibly a tradition??!!

Steve and the boys before Steve left for work. He was trying to win a Wii at work... nope he didn't win. :(

The boys in front of the "BOO" ghosts in front of our house.

Alex being a little pro on his first year of trick-or-treating

Jack and his friend Will

"Screw walking I hired a driver" Alex taking it easy.

After we got home we handed out candy to the other crazy kids trying to collect as much candy as they can. Jack had a blast handing it out. As soon as someone would walk up the drive way he would shout "We have customers". A little before seven, Chad and the four ladies came over to show off each other's costumes and hang out.
The five kids (bad picture.. I know)

Another shot
"Man, why do they keep doing this to us every year?" Julia to Alex
"Trick-or-Treating is so tiring" Rebecca resting

"Hey Theresa, do you think Rebecca would notice if we took some of her candy" Jack plotting

After the Hadzima clan left Jack and Alex went to bed and to be honest I was quite surprised because they never asked for more than two pieces of candy. I am sure I am in for it next year though.

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