Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I have no excuses for not keeping up with my blogging. Lets just call it being busy and lazy. :)

Other than getting use to Jack being in Kindergarten we really didn't do too much.

We painted the kitchen, dining room and living room... which I can finally say we are very happy with the color choices. But knowing us we will be painting something in the next year or two. :)

We had my brother's girls over for a slumber party two weekends in a row. The boys loved having them over to play and it was a great time. You would think having five kids running around would be crazy but it was a breeze.... no really it was.

We made popcorn balls and I am sad to say.... they SUCKED!!!! I need to find a new recipe!!

We celebrated my parents 40th wedding anniversary on the 26th of September!! What a cute couple they are!! :) :)

Then that weekend Alex decided he needed a black eye.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of School

Jack started Kindergarten this year and is going to St Bernard School. Two of his cousins also go their (Rebecca and Theresa) so he is super excited about that. He will be taking the bus to school in the morning (his request and LOVES it) and after school he will be riding the bus home with the girls to Chad's house until I pick him up after work (he ends up being at my brother's house for about 30 mins to an hour. Thanks again to Chad and Jeannine for letting him hang out after school!)

Tradition picture with the school flag.

The school put this sign in our yard the night before school started.

Steve, Jack and Alex walking to the school building

Jack, Theresa and Rebecca

Jack's class lined up with his teacher Mr Schultz

Loving every second of it!

The next day he took the bus to school.
Walking to the bus stop, which ends up being two houses down from ours... which is fabulous!

He was not nervous at all.... don't ask Steve if he was though. :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wisconsin State Fair

This past Saturday Steve, Jill, Jack, Alex and I went to the State Fair. I haven't been there in geez, 15 years so it was interesting to see how it has changed. The boys had a BLAST!! We were there for 6 hours and the boys rode all the rides over and over and over. Thank goodness for an unlimited wristband (thanks Jill).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bay Beach

This past Saturday we went to Bay Beach with the Knutson Family. The kids had a blast and it even rained for 10 mins while they were on the helicopters.