Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Big Project

Do you remember this post.....

Monday, February 16, 2009

What could this be????!!!!!

Well here it is.....

This swing set took two and a half days to put up. My co-worker and Steve's dad was nice enough to come over and help assemble this beast. I laugh when I look at these pictures because Friday it was 70 degrees out, Saturday it was just as nice and then Sunday they finished it in the rain (crazy... crazy... crazy).

So Sunday after dinner we put the boys in their snowsuits, hats and boots and let them enjoy their new toy. (How can you make them wait until the next nice day which happens to be today?)

They LOVE LOVE LOVE the swing set and I am so glad we got this for the boys! I can just tell we are going to have a great summer in our backyard!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Yesterday the boys had a dentist appointment. Jack's 3rd and Alex's 1st. We had been talking about this for a couple days now and both of them did GREAT!!! Actually by then end of the appointment they both wanted to sit in the chair.

Jack upgraded from the little chair to the big chair.

Say Ahhh...

He got a kick out of the water hose and vacuum hose.

Then Alex wanted to join the fun with Jack on the chair.

Then it was Alex's turn to say Ahh...

Look how tiny he looks in the chair!

When it was all done the boys got to pick out a treat from the treasure chest. Now only my kids would pick out a pencil over a rubber spider/lizard!


This year for Easter we went to G&G H's house. The weather was beautiful and the boys were excited to play with Johnathan and Danica.

Alex hanging out on the deck.

Auntie Jill and Jack playing in the sandbox
Jack wanted to join in on the swing

Then it was time to color the eggs.
First we had to write on them...

Then Octo-Mom decided to show up and join the festivities.

Danica is showing Jack how to get the eggs out without spilling or dropping the egg.

Oops... Ocoto-Mom to the rescue

Can you tell how much fun I am having?!?!

If only I had time to crop photos before I download them.

Then before bed the kids decided to write the Easter Bunny a note. Look how serious they both look. :)

Then morning came and the kids couldn't wait to find their baskets and do the egg hunt.

Score says Jack

Check me out with my loot!!

Then after the excitement the kids sat around read books and watched each other play their Leapsters and DS.

The kids had another great Easter and now I have to figure out what I can use to my advantage when I want the kids to behave or listen..... Is there a Memorial Day figure that I don't know about???? :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Swim Lessons

Tuesday was Jack's last day at swim lessons for the session. Parents and family where allowed to be on the pool deck and take pictures, video record, etc the class. Alex was under the weather so Steve took Jack and captured the lesson.

Before class goofing around

Checking in

Listening intently

Joining the water train

After the lesson the kids got to go on the water slide for a few minutes. Jack was in HEAVEN!!!

After class Jack got his "report card" from his instructor.

Miss Penny said that Jack has improved a lot and is a good swimmer. He is almost there when it comes to swimming on his own.
Next session starts a week from Tuesday and he is excited to go!