Monday, May 12, 2008

My Birthday/Mother's Day

My birthday and Mother's Day was great! It was celebrated a bit odd but I will get into that shortly. Thursday for my birthday I had to go into work (which 99% of people end up doing) and the boys went to Amy's. After work the boys went to G&G V's for the night and Steve and I ended up going out to dinner with the Smits and Amy. We ended up going to Nakashimas of Japan for dinner and then afterwards to Escapades for a few drinks. Good Times as always!

Friday Steve and I ended up getting up and going out for breakfast and he went to pick up the boys while I went to the DMV to get my driver's license renewed since it expired on my birthday. Why do those photos have to turn out so badly?!!? So then Steve got home with the boys and we celebrated my birthday and Mother's Day all day. I got fabulous gifts which were, the plate set (see below) of 8 settings from my parents and the boys, 3 tickets to see the TimberRattlers (Minor league baseball team) against Peoria (Ryan Sandberg here I come!), flowers, and a pair of Crocs. Friday after the boys went to bed I was off on the road driving to Milwaukee to Jill's.

Saturday morning (5:30am) Jill and I drove to Detroit to spend the next 24 hours with Johnathan and Danica (Sue and the parents too) to celebrate Danica's First Communion on Sunday. The 6 plus hour drive was an adventure (our road trips usually are) and we arrived around 1pm. Hung out with the family and before we knew it we were at our hotel fast asleep.

Sunday we arrived at the church to witness Danica's First Communion and celebrate afterwards with brunch at Louis Chophouse (I think I got that right and thanks again Sue) and back to the house for cake and opening of gifts. Then it was off on the road back home. The ride back was not the greatest weather wise... it rained 90% of the time :( and we hit traffic in Chicago, but we made it back and I was off to GB soon after arrive in Milwaukee. Needless to say I arrived back to GB and the boys were fast asleep so I snuck in their rooms to say good night and I was off to bed myself.
The Gang

My Cake decorated by Steve

Birthday Girl

One of my gifts (from my parents and the boys)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to come!!!