Wednesday, May 14, 2008


When I said that Alex was going to be my emergency room baby I was only KIDDING. Well he took me seriously!

Tuesday morning started off like this..... (Grab a drink and a snack this is going to be a long story)

Our morning usually always starts with the kids in the living room watch TV while I shower and get ready for work. Today Alex was in the kitchen and Jack was in the living room watch a cartoon when I got out of the shower and proceeded to my bedroom to get dressed. All of a sudden I hear Alex crying, but nothing out of the ordinary so I thought Jack took a toy from Alex. I walked out into the kitchen to find Alex lying on the kitchen floor with his slippy cup. So I picked him up and took him into my bedroom and sat on the floor with him. He is still just fussing not screaming so I was trying to calm him down. Then all of a sudden I notice blood on my leg and thought, huh I must have cut myself shaving and then realizing that I didn't shave my legs this morning and noticed blood all over my bedroom carpet (white carpet) and found the bottom of Alex's left pj foot soaking in blood. So I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut/ripped his pj's to get his foot out of them. As I am examining his foot I come to the conclusion that he is going to need stitches and that I need to get him to the emergency room. (Now remember I just got out of the shower and I have nothing on but a towel) Now I should tell you that Steve is on the other side of town for a work meeting, Jack is standing in my bedroom holding a Kleenex telling me he has one for me to use.

So I call Steve and tell him to get home ASAP and that we need to go to the ER with Alex. I then call my brother's house hoping that my brother can come over and watch Jack and check out Alex before we head to the ER but I find out that he is still at the Fire Station (he is a fire fighter/paramedic). So next on my list is my neighbor Pam who was a sweetheart to come over and get Jack. Thankfully I was able to get a shirt and jeans on before she made it. So as I am putting Jack's coat on and Chad calls and tells me he is on his way (Yeah) so minutes later Steve pulls into the driveway and took a look at Alex's foot and realized that I was not kidding on the size of the cut. So minutes later Chad pulls in as we are piling into the van and takes a look at Alex's foot and says "yep that is a deep cut, hopefully he didn't do any damage to his tendon." Crap I didn't even think of his tendon... so of course now I am thinking worse case scenario. So Chad grabs some gaze from the trunk of his car and puts it on the laceration I say "thanks" and Steve drives us to the ER.

All I have to say is that if we have another trip to the ER in our future (and I am 99% sure we will) I hope we have the same experience as this trip. We walked in and went straight into Triage and they took our info looked at the laceration asked what happened I proceed to say I have no idea and then took us straight to the back. We were in the room for maybe five minutes and the doctor arrived. Dr Salmi took a look and asked what happened I answered again I don't know. Dr Salmi was very sweet and even sang Dora songs to Alex while he stitched him up. Alex was such a trooper, he only cried half the time only because he hated being restrained, but he was talking (well babbling), playing with Steve's cell phone and even watched Dora on TV while he was laying there (since when do they have TV's with cable in ER rooms?). After he got his foot wrapped up he was happy and acting like nothing was wrong. So of course I am thinking in the back of my mind here I am with my little guy and I have no idea how this happened and all these people have to think I am nuts so I am waiting for social services to arrive, but we are discharged and head back home.

So the first thing Steve and I did when we got home was search the kitchen to figure out what he sliced his foot on because the only thing on the floor was Alex and his sippy cup. So with Steve on his hands and knees he feels the bottom of the door on the dishwasher and low and behold there is a bow in the metal frame that holds the front panel on. So folks dishwasher are dangerous!!!!

I ended up taking the day off from work, Steve got Jack from Pam's (Thanks again!) and took him to Amy's and went back to work. Within 10 minutes of arriving at home Alex took a two hour nap and woke up happy as can be. He was walking around, playing with his toys, crawling all over the place not once showing he was in pain or uncomfortable. Well the afternoon was the same, he took another hour and a half nap and woke up happy as can be. So then we went and picked up Jack from Amy's and the two of them played for hours (you can totally tell how much they miss each other when they are separated for a few hours).

So here are some pictures from the incident. WARNING... this might gross you out if you can't stand blood or stitches.

The PJ's

ID Bracelet

The bandaged foot

The injury


Jill said...

Oh my gosh, SCARY! So glad he is okay...what a little trooper. Gotta say I love those chubby little "cankles".

Can you tell me/us more about what it was on the dishwasher that cut him? I didn't know what you meant by "bow" on the frame??


Proprietors of Chateau del Mulsoff said...

Wow, I'm so glad the little man is doing well!