Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas at the Grandparents

This year we spent Christmas day at the Van Nuland's. I ended up taking pictures on Jen's camera (Steve's sister) and I haven't gotten them to post. Once I get them I will.
So after the boys opened their gifts from Santa they played for a while and then we were off to G& G V's house for lunch and more gifts. After opening gifts and running around for a bit we were off to Steve's Aunt and Uncle's house to visit with his dad's side of the family. After the visit we went home and the boys played with their new toys and off to bed they went.
Friday we played with the toys and had a pretty laid back day. That afternoon after the boys napped we went back to Kaukauna to celebrate Christmas with Steve's mom's side of the family with dinner and the boys running around. After that we drove to my parents house thinking the it would be a good idea since the weather was to be bad Saturday morning (freezing rain, snow, etc). So off we went to drive 2.5 hours to Neillsville. Well not the best idea considering it was so foggy and I could see about a mile ahead of me. Well we made it their at about 9pm and the boys were still awake so they ended up opening their gifts from G&G H.

Oh the captions I could write for these next two pictures.

Finally at around 10:30 we got the boys down and thankfully we were able to sleep in until almost 8am!!!

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