Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brotherly Love

So every once in a while Alex wants to sit on the potty. I am not encouraging it but when he throws a fit and tries to tear his clothes off I oblige.

Well Saturday night before putza (bath) Alex wanted to sit on the potty. Jack already unclothed asked Alex if he wanted him to read him a Diego book.... Alex said Yes.

Well I am sorry if some of you (the two people who read this blog) are offended or think I am wrong for taking these pictures/video..... how can I not. It was so darn cute to see Jack be such a big brother. Days and things like this make me so happy that they are so close in age and that they are both boys..... I just hope they are the best of friends all through life.


Jill said...

Offended? NEVER! This is damn sweet! Very, very cute.

Anonymous said...

Awww...Jack is such a good reader to his little brother!!!