Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Alex and Dad's weekend at home

While Jen and Jack took a road trip to Neillsville, Alex and I had a nice weekend at home! Saturday afternoon Alex helped me run a couple errands and then we just hung out at home. Alex was having a blast chasing me around the house in his walker and pulling himself up on EVERYTHING! He has no fear and he wants you to hold his fingers while he walks around the house. This is fun for about 10 minutes, then my back is killing, so we had to stop. His other favorite thing this weekend was to climb in the entertainment center. He pulls himself up, opens the doors and tries to crawl in. It was fun for him until he realized he could not get back out...poor little dude!

Sunday I felt brave and took him to Palm Sunday mass, which lasted 1 1/2 hours. Despite it being very long, Alex did surprisingly well thanks to plenty of toys and snacks. It also helped that I was sitting by friends, so they took turns holding him and helping to keep him entertained. After the long mass, he feel asleep before we got out of the parking lot.

Since he was sleeping so soundly, I decided to drive down to Kaukauna to visit G & G Van Nuland and to help my Mom house-hunt for my sister, who is moving back to WI in June. House hunting is much more enjoyable when you are spending someone else's money! After an uneventful search, we went back to G & G's house so Alex could play with Grandpa for a while before heading back home.

I think Alex played very hard this weekend because after eating dinner he was ready for bed. I was not about to let that happen since it was only 5:30, luckily I was able to hold him off until 7:00...then it was bedtime. Once we has asleep I quickly picked up the house and waited for Jen and Jack to get home...

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