Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hanging out with G&G H - Friday

Friday the boys and I drove to Nville to hang out with the parents/grandparents. It was a great relaxing weekend with a lot accomplished.

We arrived around lunch time and after the boys ate they were ready to rock the town.

First they had to water the plants

Then it was off to help Gpa pick green beans from the garden

Then we were off to the Armory, which is across from my parents house, to ride their dune buggy and motorcycle. I just love this place.... huge parking lot for the kids to ride their bikes, hit a few tennis balls against the side of the building or just hang out at..... just like my sister and I did as kids.

Then Gpa showed the boys the butternut tree.

and then of course they had to pick two buckets worth. Why..... I have no clue but they loved it.

Then it was off to the garden again to see who was taller.... Gpa, Jack, Alex or the sunflower plant.

Then it was time to play in the sandbox

while Gpa hung out in the garden.

Then they were off to pick rocks so we could throw them into the river down the road. They LOVE LOVE LOVE doing this. Every time we go they ask when they can do that.

Then after dinner it was time for Gma's surprise....

Boys will be boys with water balloons. I have to admit I too had a blast getting the boys wet and also getting wet from them. They laughed so hard that I am surprised they didn't wet their pants while doing this.

Then we attached the wagon to the back of the dune buggy and off they went tooling around the yard...... until Jack took a corner too sharp and tipped the wagon over.

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