Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Saturday Jill came up to celebrate Jack's bday. She arrived around 10:30 and her and I worked out after my shift at the Y. Then we got home and had lunch and the boys went down for their nap.

Alex napping on Steve
Jack wanted to sleep in the Fire Truck bed. That made Steve and I wonder who is really going to sleep in this bed down the road.... :)

After nap all four of us went to Walmart so that Jack could buy himself (remember the coin jug) a new bike. He was so proud of himself picking it out, taking it to the cashier and handing her the money. He gave me the receipt and told me it was for his book (baby book).

After we got home and he rode it around for a while it was time for dinner and while at Walmart Jill thought it would be a great idea to have donuts for dessert (just Jack and Alex). So here is
Jack with his bday donut.

Before Jill left we decided to take a couple (okay more like a 100) photos.
Jill and Jack.... Jack is wearing his Firefighter Helmet that Jill bought him.

Officer Hadzima and FF Van Nuland to the rescue!

Yeah... not the best photo of me. YIKES... can you tell I have been up since 4am?!?!

I need to learn not to turn sideways in photos.

Too Cute!

Here come the silly photos

Can you see where Jack gets his crazy smile?!?

One BIG happy family!

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