Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little Man

Alex had his 18 month check up yesterday.

He is 34" long (90%tile)
He is 26.9 pounds (59%tile)
His head is 48.2cm (61%tile)

He got two shots and he is shot free until he is in Kindergarten (well expect for the flu shot). Whoo Hoo!!

He is healthy as an Ox. He is right where he is suppose to be and accelerated in some areas. Dr Houn asked if we started potty training and I just about choked. Um... no... isn't he a bit too young? Her response... no you should start trying. Well Steve and I just looked at each other like um sure.... but deep down inside we are saying probably not for a bit. BUT how awesome would it be to have no children in diapers!!??!!! CHAAAAA $$$$$$$$$$$$ CHING $$$$$$$ The funny part is that the sheet she handed us states "the average age for potty training is 2-3 years old". Granted every time Jack goes the bathroom Alex is right there standing next to him tilting his hips and smiling. So who knows maybe we will try in a few months.... you just never know what will happen.

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