Thursday, July 3, 2008

Who Doesn't Love a Pedicure?

So my parents came to Green Bay last week to watch the boys while Steve and I worked. I would post pictures but I was working and my parents kept forgetting to take pictures. :(

So I have a few to share.... like the ones below of my mother getting a pedicure. She LOVES, LOVES getting her feet done, but only Debra can do them. So thanks again Mom and Dad for taking your vacation and hang out with the crazy boys. They loved spending those days with you and keep asking me when they will see G&G Ba-zema.

Mom soaking her feet

Mom and Debra

The final product

Then I do have a short film of my boys giving Grandpa a "Pink Belly". Don't ask.... Steve showed them one day and now they are obsessed! Sorry dad! :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

The "Ba-zema" reminds me of when I was little and I used to think your last name was "Noxema". I think I even used to call you that, "Jennifer Noxema".