Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Holy Wind Storm Batman.....

So last night I was at The Bar enjoying a drink prior to playing volleyball (I am on a Monday night league) and my cell phone rings. It is Steve....

S: "Jen you won't believe what has happened to our backyard".
J: "What happened?"
S: "The kids playhouse is in Aaron and Amanda's backyard. The roof is ripped off and their fence is missing sections and the pegs are swinging in the air"
S: "The swing set is also flipped upside down and up against the house"
J: "Are you Sh*tting me"
S: "I am not kidding I took pictures and everything"
J: "How did this happen?"
S: "You didn't hear or see it? The wind was blowing really hard and did this. The backyard looks like a mini tornado when through it"
J: " Are you sh*tting me?" "You need to call or go over to A&A's and let them know.
S: "Yeah I will.... have fun at your game and see you around midnight"

So after that conversation I walk back to the table that we were sitting at and told everyone. Great I am going to have to buy a new playhouse, swing set and who knows what. Then Amy (she plays on the team) said that she heard the wind too when she was at home (Crap I think Steve isn't goshing me).

So we play the game and of course have a couple pitchers afterwards and I head home. I look in the backyard and yep he wasn't kidding. Poor A&A's fence.... they have plastic ties holding the fence in place where the sections flew off so their dog Mia won't come into our yard.... Steve told them not to worry about the dog .... they should worry more about the boys roaming their backyard.

So here are the photos. The first one is a shot of the backyard at Alex's bday party.

The swing set

Check out the fence in the back

The climber

So then Steve went home for lunch today and went into the backyard to check things out again and looked up at the roof and saw that we have shingles that are messed up. So now we have to deal with that.

Geesh.... I just wish I could have seen all this happen. Can you imagine watching your stuff flying all over your backyard and over a fence?

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