Thursday, March 6, 2008


YEAH!!!! Everyone is back to normal. Alex is sleeping through the night (knock on wood) and is 100% back to normal. Only six more days of the most disgusting smelling antibiotic to go! Tonight I get to pack the boys up for their mini vacation to Grandpa and Grandma's house. I know that Jack is very excited to have Grandpa all to himself and I know Grandma is having Alex withdrawls!

I am sure you are asking, "what are you and Steve going to do without the boys all weekend long". Well the answer is .... we are not sure. You see we are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary and we were going to "go somewhere fantastic" but decided we wanted to finish our basement instead. SO that trip will have to wait until next year. You will just have to check back on Monday to see what happened and what we did if anything. LOL :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! AND, I'm on your "Visit" list! I am so glad I have another blog to lurk on daily. I am sort of addicted! So glad we can keep in touch this way. I can't believe how your boys are growing, AND how your sister and brother's kids are SO BIG! I had no idea...
Man, time flies!

Take care! I'll be back!