Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I have no excuses for not keeping up with my blogging. Lets just call it being busy and lazy. :)

Other than getting use to Jack being in Kindergarten we really didn't do too much.

We painted the kitchen, dining room and living room... which I can finally say we are very happy with the color choices. But knowing us we will be painting something in the next year or two. :)

We had my brother's girls over for a slumber party two weekends in a row. The boys loved having them over to play and it was a great time. You would think having five kids running around would be crazy but it was a breeze.... no really it was.

We made popcorn balls and I am sad to say.... they SUCKED!!!! I need to find a new recipe!!

We celebrated my parents 40th wedding anniversary on the 26th of September!! What a cute couple they are!! :) :)

Then that weekend Alex decided he needed a black eye.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Glad you are back. I am really bad at updating lately, too, so I understand. FB updates are much easier, and it seems to easier to upload pictures to FB as well.

I have a pretty good popcorn ball recipe. I'll dig it out and send it your way. I was just given a popcorn ball by a friend the other day that her mom had made...it was horrible! No taste and it stuck like glue to my teeth. The recipe I have is delish!