Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Road Trip...

Friday the boys and I took a trip to my parents to celebrate Gma H's Birthday. Steve said back in GB and painted our bedroom, the hallway and cleaned all the carpets. [Busy boy this weekend... and now he is sick. :( The room looks great (Thanks Melissa and Amy for helping with the color) and now I get to get new bedding... yippee!!!] So while Steve was enjoying his quiet kid-less weekend the boys and I had a great time hanging out with G&G H. We played hard, had bday cake, watched Madagascar and Madagascar 2 with G&G, went to Marshfield with Gma H to hit WalMart to make a cool purchase and ate WAY too much.

Here are a few pictures of the boys showing off their new shirts from Auntie Sue, Johnathan and Danica.

The boys helping Gma blow out her bday candles. Yes, the cake is funky looking... it was left over ice cream cake from Danica's bday party the weekend before. Hey it was ice cream and cake... no one cared, it tasted fabulous!!
Singing to Gma
Helping blow out the candles

Our big purchase at WalMart (Gma bought Alex one and I had to get Jack one too... I know I am a sucker but they are hilarious chasing each other around on them.)

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