Monday, January 5, 2009


So I had no clue what my parents were getting us for Xmas this year. I usually have an idea and so I thought we were getting a gift card to our favorite restaurant (Little Tokyo).

Well when my mom handed Steve our gift and he opened it I thought it was a joke. (Side Note: these gifts are for our birthdays and anniverary as well.)

Then she handed me our gift from Jill and when I opened it and it was the GHIII. Steve and I both had to hold our jaws closed.

Then she handed us two more gifts from Sue and this is what we opened.

We were so surprised. I was shocked that Jill and her kept this a secret for as long as they did. Steve was so happy because this was his very first video equipment ever (if you don't count used Atari). So we were able to control ourselves and not hook it up until the next morning (it was 10 at night remember). It was so cute watching my parents watch us open and then play the Wii. The kids love GH and love playing their guitar while one of us plays with them. Jack loves to shout at the end YOU ROCK!

Jack and I Rocking Out

Playing Guitar Hero with the boys help
Steve and Alex

Jack playing baseball

Steve and I boxing....


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