Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Father of the Year Right Here....

Okay so I love reading Perez Hilton.

This is one of the many things I read today and I just had to share it.

You're not going to believe this!
Randy Lewis of Tennessee decided it might be a good idea to drink fifteen beers.
Now, fifteen beers, though loaded with calories, is a perfectly acceptable way to spend your Sunday, as long as you're of the age to do so.
We give Lewis points for acknowledging his incapacitation. Those points and then some, however, are immediately revoked by his decision to tell a 10-YEAR-OLD BOY to get behind the wheel of a 1995 Ford Windstar van.
That puts Lewis at a -100.
Whipping the van up to 90mph, the boy, of course, flipped and totaled it. Fortunately, the THREE OTHER PASSENGERS - two of which were children - escaped the crash and were taken to a local hospital to be treated for injuries.
There was another adult in the car who let this happen???? Yes, see below!
Lewis admitted to officers that he even knocked back a few more at the crash site and his female companion, Paula Evans, was seen eating pills.
That's another -500 points!
The pair were hit with drunk driving, reckless endangerment, and child abuse.
We're sure Lewis' shirt was a hit at the country jail.
That's another -500!!!!!
It's easy to see that this all adds up to MAJOR FAIL.
We couldn't make this shiz up even if we tried!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is quite the story! Hey, do I get a prize??? I made a comment...just on the wrong date:) You know I'm one of your dedicated BLOG fans. One of these days your inspiration will get me to start my own!!

love ya,