Monday, September 29, 2008

Hanging out with the Girls and Chad

Saturday I got back into town around noon and Chad ended up calling me within 15 minutes of returning. Wanted to know if I could watch Theresa for a few hours (Rebecca was at a friends house). I of course said sure. Well you see Julia ended up sticking a peanut up her nose and he couldn't get it out so a trip the the ER was in order (Ah.. the fourth ER trip for the Hadzima family this year.... Johnathan, Alex, Johnathan and Julia). So Jack and I went to pick up Theresa and came back to the house. Jack and Alex took a nap and Theresa hung out with Steve and I.

Theresa played a little t-ball

Then later I picked up Rebecca from her friends house since it was in our subdivision and Julia was still taking her nap after her ER visit. A bit later Chad and Julia showed up with dinner. The kids played while we watched the Cubs/Brewers game.

Rebecca and her wild hair

Jack, Julia, Theresa, Rebecca and Alex


Playing baseball with Chad. Rebecca is the catcher (check out her head gear).

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