Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a long weekend

So here I am at work getting ready to upload my photos and start my very long blog and all of a sudden my camera won't turn on. Great.... battery dead! So here is my blog with no pictures... I will get those for you tomorrow.

Friday was a nice day. Steve worked half a day and when he got home he ended up taking Alex to the ER to get his stitches out. I would have gone but Jack was taking a nap and I hadn't showered yet so why not send Steve. Steve said Alex was a trooper and didn't make a peep when they took the stitches out. Just looked around the room and stared at the resident.

We planted some flowers and got the yard picked up a bit. We are not doing much this year until the fall. I very excited to say we are added to our patio, getting rid of the pebbles and adding sod, tearing up the landscape in the back (I dislike all the plant the previous owners put back there) and added a new swing set (maybe this fall or spring, whenever we get the back ready for it). Steve took the boys to his parents house to hang out with Nick and Mya (and of course G&G V and Jen) while I stayed back and got the house cleaned, well a start on it at least. Then I met my parents at church and Mom and I went out to dinner and hit the mall. Later on that night Steve and I ended up assembling two of Alex's birthday presents until 11pm (we didn't start until 9:30) and went to bed.

My little guy turned ONE! I no longer have a baby!! Sunday started out with the boys waking up and playing with G&G H and then looking outside to see their new playhouse and water/sand table. They flew out the patio door as fast as they could in their PJ's and played with them for a few minutes until I made them go back inside since it was about to start raining. Thankfully it only rained for an hour and then got nice since Alex's party was outside. The kids played and then took their naps and soon the party began. Everyone had a good time and got to laugh at Alex eating his cake (and feeding Steve too). Thanks again to everyone coming and for the great gifts. I am almost positive Jack has played with them more than Alex. :)

Monday was a beautiful day and we played outside the majority of the time. I got to clean my house up a bit from the party and Steve got the garage back to normal after washing the floor (cake, food, spilled beverages, etc).

All in all the weekend was fabulous and of course too short. No one felt like getting up this morning nor going to work. Again I still can't believe I have a one year old (I don't know why considering he has been walking for weeks and babbles like crazy). Oh the things I get to look forward to in the coming year. :)

Again, I will post pictures tonight or tomorrow... until then....

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