Thursday, February 28, 2008

Week Update


The boys had their first swim lessons of the session at the Y. Jack loved it as always and it was Alex's first time. Alex was a bit on edge... there were more tears then smiles. Which to us seemed strange since he LOVES the water.


We took Alex into the doctors office after work because he just wasn't himself and had a really sad day at Amy's. Well what do you know.... he has an ear infection (maybe that is why he didn't enjoy swim lessons).


The boys and I had a great night. We inherited Johnathan's Fisher Price Power Wheel Motorcycle a year ago and it needed a new battery. Well, I finally purchased the batteries (yes you need 2... grrr) and charged them the past two days and lets just say Jack LOVES it. He didn't want to get off of it and wanted to keep driving around the basement. He drives like a pro except for a few crashes (one being with Alex in his walker.... little man just can't go faster than that darn motorcycle). Then he found the "high" (fast) button and he thought was the "king". Me being the horrible mother that I am told him he could only use the "high" button when he drives outside this spring/summer. His response.... "but mom I want to go fast now".


This afternoon we have Alex's 9 month doctor's appointment. I will post all the details tomorrow.

I will post some pictures shortly from the last few weeks.

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